Just Jesus mural

Regular gathering times


A more traditional service with a friendly atmosphere, traditional hymns and morning tea afterwards.

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A more contemporary service, catering to all ages. We sing newer, more modern worship songs and have activities for kids and teenagers.

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A relaxed service with a focus on small group discussion and interactive teaching. Meeting in the church on Sunday nights during school term.

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Kids' Club meets on Fridays after school from 3pm to 5pm during term in the hall on Gray St.

Join us from 3pm to 5pm on Friday afternoons during school term for afternoon tea, games, craft and Bible stories! All kids between year 2 and year 6 welcome.

$3 per child $5 per family or $20 for the term. Please make sure you register prior to attending.

For more information contact Ange on 0402 122 156 or ange@wpcc.church.

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mainly music playgroup

Babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, parents and caregivers will be treated to music and story, activity and interaction, structured and unstructured fun. Each session is designed for delight as you participate together.

Join us from 9.30am to 11am on Friday mornings during school term. The structured 30 minute music session will be followed by a time of eat/play/chat. Snacks and refreshments will be served, followed by a time of unstructured play. At the same time, you and your children will be able to connect with others in your community.

$5 per family each week.

For more information contact Jane on 0401 324 043.


One of the things we love about church is being part of God's great, big family. Woonona Pressy is an intergenerational church, with room for all ages from babies right through to senior citizens. Each Sunday our team of Thrive Kids teachers help the kids get to know Jesus and to experience God's love for them.

Join us at 10am on Sundays to be a part of Thrive Kids — a safe, welcoming group for all kids from 2 years old through to Year 6 to play, pray and get to know Jesus.

Please make sure you register prior to attending.

Register Online

For older kids 'The Edge' is a great place to start making the transition into adult church life. The Edge is for Years 7 to 10 and aims to help kids start to engage with the regular teaching as well as beginning to find opportunities to serve.

Join us at 10am on Sundays to be a part of The Edge — a safe, welcoming group for all kids from Year 7 to Year 10 to explore their faith, dig deeper into God's word, and enjoy hanging out with their peers.


a thriving, prayerfully dependent, group of youth within Woonona for one another and for our community

Woonona Pressy Youth Group

Meeting in the hall during school term

All high-school age youth welcome!

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    7 Gray St, Woonona

    NSW, 2517

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